Let's hear it for this week's Friday Five "Students of the Week!" Janelle, Affan, Aarna, Ananya and Yogesh are great role models. They are hard working, helpful and kind. Great kids indeed! Keep up the good work! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 10/11/19
Students in Ms. Melgar's class are exploring Base 10 by constructing buildings with manipulatives! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Melgar Base Ten 1
Melgar Base Ten 2
Attention LP Families: As a reminder, school will be closed tomorrow (Wednesday 10/9.) We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Mondays Matter! Our 5th graders have an exciting week ahead, including: discussing literature with book clubs, figuring out how to find the area of tricky spaces, and becoming better writers! Help us show our students #makeeverydaymatter, especially Mondays! #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Burnett Mondays Matter
¿Puede ser soleado en los Estados Unidos y China al mismo tiempo? ¿Por qué no? Estamos aprendiendo acerca de cómo la tierra gira alrededor del sol en la clase de Ciencias del 1er grado (idiomas duales.) Gracias a Sra. Pizzuli por visitarnos durante la semana de español. #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Rotating Earth 1
Rotating Earth 2
Time for another talented group of Friday Five "Students of the Week!" Scarlett, Jael, Jayden, Luisedy and Keya have had a great start to the school year and have being working hard, being kid and trying their best! Keep up the good work! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
10/4/19 Friday Five 1
10/4/19 Friday Five 2
Livingston Park join in solidarity to help stop bullying and cyberbullying by wearing a blue T-shirt on October 7, 2019 for World Day of Bullying Prevention Let's #BlueUp together! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByI5OMR2lvkOT3FKaWZ3eXJKZlBKNThsRGVlWUczTXp4V2M0/view?usp=sharing
over 5 years ago, Livingston Park
Blue Up
Our students learn so much more than reading, writing and arithmetic! How do you overcome adversity? What do you do when life gets stressful? These lessons are so important! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #SEL #growthmindset
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Growth Mindset 1
Growth Mindset 2
Everyday Matters! We visited with Mr. Johnson's class today to talk about how every day of school is fun and important! This week, they are learning about estimation, character traits and the three branches of government! What a great group! #whylp #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Johnson Make Everyday Matter
A round of applause for Mason, Sophia, Rian, Giselle and Kori, our "Friday Five" Students of the Week! These students are great role models that work hard and demonstrate kindness. #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 9/27/19
Attention Families: As a reminder, school will be closed on Monday, 9/30. Anuncio Importante: La escuela estara cerrada el lunes, 30 de Septiembre.
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Students in 2-2 had a great time during Phonics today! They played the game "Splash!" to practice letter sounds and combinations. Learning is fun at LP! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
letterland westbrook 1
letterland westbrook 2
letterland westbrook 3
5th graders are exploring measurement conversations in Math stations with Mr. Burnett and Ms. Russo. Stations help students explore content with a variety of strategies. #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Math Stations MB
Math Stations MB 2
Math Stations MB 3
Math Stations MB 4
Mondays Matter! Each Monday, we visit a class to talk about how every day of school is full of fun and important things. Today, in 2-4, our students shared many great ideas and were excited about all of the great things they will be learning this year! Woohoo! #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Mondays Matter 2-4
Friday Five time! Eliam, Anaya, Paul, Kortni and Jay are totally rocking the new school year by working hard, being kind to classmates and being good role models for peers. We are proud to name them our "Friday Five" Students of the Week! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 9/20/19
It was wonderful seeing all our families at Back To School Night! Thank you for supporting our school! Together, we can help our students have a wonderful school year. Let's make everyday matter! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Make Every Day Matter Bulletin Board
Attention LP Families: Thursday, 9/19 is a 1:30 dismissal. Our Back to School Night programs will be held in the evening as follows: 5th Grade Stokes Parent Meeting - 6:00 Pre-K Back to School Night - 6:30 K-5 Back to School Night - 7:00 See you there!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Everyday our enthusiastic teachers deliver engaging lessons that get kids excited about learning! Thanks to Mrs. Raba and the K1 crew for making my morning. If you see them around, ask to see the bundle dance. #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Mrs. Raba Dynamic Lesson
Mrs. Raba Dynamic Lesson Photo 2
Mondays Matter! Each Monday, we visit a classroom and talk with students about all of the great things they will do in the coming week, and that it is important to come everyday! Ms. Taboada's class was excited about math centers, reading habits and rhyme patterns! #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Monday's Matter 1-4
1st Graders in our Dual Language Program are learning how to make an estimate in Math class! Niños en el Programa de Idiomas Duales, primer grado, están aprendiendo como hacer una estimación! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick #makeeverydaymatter
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Estimation 1st Grade Dual Language
Estimation Lesson 1st Grade DL