Ms. Kelly Muller has been named as the Livingston Park "Teacher of the Year!" Ms. Muller is an exceptional educator that cares deeply for students and designs wonderful, individualized lessons that are fun and engaging. Congratulations Ms. Muller! #truenorthbrunswick #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Kelly Muller, Teacher of the Year
We are looking for a talented Special Education teacher to join our staff! All candidates are encouraged to apply online if interested:
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Wow! What a great Friday Five! These "Students of the Week" are kind, hard working kids that are great role models. We are lucky to have Layne, Gerrard, Alejandro, Alan and Giselle in our school each day! #truenorthbrunswick #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 12/13/19
Our staff had fun today with a Holiday Sweater Contest! We are really getting into the spirit at LP!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Ugly Sweater Contest
Yesterday, LP students proudly prepared holiday gifts to be picked up by a local charity. Thanks to the generosity of our staff and families, over 40 local children will receive a winter coat and a toy this holiday season! #truenorthbrunswick #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Angel Tree Gifts
Reminder: The 2020 Science Symposium for grades 3-12 will be held on February 23rd at NBTHS. The last day to register is 12/22/19! Visit for more information
over 5 years ago, NBTSchools
Check out these awesome Friday Five "Students of the Week!" Lucas, Jase, Shania, Dhruv and Dalys have been recognized for their exemplary hard work and kindness to to others. Keep up the great work!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 12/6/19
The holidays are a great time for students to learn about the difference between wants and needs. Our Kindergarten students enjoyed a great discussion today in Ms. Perez's class. Then, they sorted pictures into "deseos" and "necesidades" categories.
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Wants and Needs
Has there been a special LP teacher that has made a difference in your child's life? Please consider nominating them for the LP "Educator of the Year" recognition. You can send a nomination to Mr. Dawson at They are due by Monday 12/9.
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Every Day Matters! We had a wonderful visit with students in Mrs. Fedor and Ms. Perez's class today. They are very excited about all of the neat things they are learning in school this week, and they know every day is important!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Attention families: Due to the forecast for inclement weather, LP will be dismissing at 2:30 pm tomorrow, Monday, 12/2/19. The Leal program will be open until 5:00 pm. Please be safe during the storm.
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Livingston Park would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our students, staff and families!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Each year, Mrs. Owens teaches students how to make pumpkin bread just before Thanksgiving. The students learn about how measuring is important and how it is kind to share food with loved ones (and the principal too!) #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Owens Bread 1
Congratulations to Pia, Moises, Juliana, Sherwensley and Alanah, our "Friday Five" Students of the Week! They are kind, hard working students that make our school a great place to learn! Keep it up, students! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Friday Five 11/22/19
2nd grade staff and students had a lot of fun celebrating our 50th day of school by learning about life in the 1950s! #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
50th day 1
50th day 2
50th day 3
Can third graders lead a book discussion on their own? You bet they can! Amazing Socratic Discussion today by our 3rd grade Mystery Detectives! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Samy mystery 1
Shamy mystery 2
Please join us for our PTO Membership Dance this Friday evening! All families are welcome!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
PTO Dance
For World Kindness Day, students in 4-3 wrote letters of appreciation for one another. Small acts of kindness go a long way!
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Smith kindness
smith kindness 1
smith kindness 2
Every day matters! We visited with some excited 4th graders in Ms. Smith's class. Every day of school is important. If you missed just one day this week, you might miss the chance to publish your writing, learn about natural disasters, or participate in a mystery Skype! #whylp
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
Smith Monday's Matter
Congratulations to Rosalia, Emily, Shelby, Azriel, Yudelis and Kyriaki, our "Friday Five" Students of the Week! Keep working hard in school and being kind to your peers and you will achieve wonderful things! #whylp #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Sidney Dawson
11/15/19 Friday Five 1
11/15/19 Friday Five 2